Become a Sponsor of the Double Clutch Tournament
Support this worthy cause! We have awarded more than $12,000 in scholarships to date. Help us continue to provide these scholarships.
We hope that you will support this worthy cause by becoming a sponsor! We have three levels of sponsorship, all offering different benefits! Sponsorships may be tax-deductible!
Level One Sponsor
Two tournament competitors, two complimentary shirts, and access for two to the beach party (includes two BBQ dinners plus drink tickets) at the Baja Restaurant. Mention on our website is also included & name on event t-shirt included.
Level Two Sponsor
Two tournament competitors, two complimentary shirts, and access for two to the beach party (includes two BBQ dinners plus drink tickets) at the Baja Restaurant. Mention on our website plus your logo on our official event t-shirt included.
Level Three Sponsor
Four tournament competitors, four complimentary shirts, and access for four to the beach party (includes two BBQ dinners plus drink tickets) at the Baja Restaurant. ALSO includes mention on our website plus your LOGO on the official event t-shirt** included.
**In order to have name or logo included, sponsorship must be received by May 5, 2018.